
A series of Honours College (HC) promotional activities co-organized by the Honours College Student Association (HCSA) was held in March to give freshmen a better understanding of the Honours College Certificate Programme and to entice them to become part of the HC family.


The open application period for the HC Certificate Programme was from March 13 to 24. The HC promotion month was therefore held between March 1 and 24. During that, five different events were held: a gathering including HC and non-HC students, a leadership camp, a community service activity co-organised with World Vision, a News Discussion Forum, and an information desk with games and giveaways. Participants could meet and interact with current HC members at these activities.


“Meet with HCers”

The outset of the HC promotion month was a gathering between non-HC students who were interested in joining the Honours College Certificated Programme and current HC students. Participants were arranged in groups and express their enquiries about HC. Current HC students would answer their questions and share their experiences. Furthermore, there were some performances by current HC members to reveal the multi-aspects of the Honours College. The activity resolved student’s concerns about HC and expanded their personal network.


Leadership Camp

In order to let students experience what it is like to be a leader, a leadership camp was offered to all UM students on March 18 where participants were able to participate in different mini-activities and learn more about HC’s vision and mission in this 4-hour camp, they also had the opportunity to get along with the HCers during this camp.


Community Service Activity

Successful held on March 22, the HCSA X World Vision tote bag drawing workshop provided participants insights on how social innovation technologies are helping the poor and needy in the world. Besides, participants gained a deeper understanding of the modern crises happening in different countries, which may not be within our horizon. The awareness towards serious global social issues was raised among participants. During the activity, participants expressed their thoughts on the social issues by drawing on the tote bag. Moreover, donations were made to the co-hosting non-profit organisation, World Vision, for supporting their worldwide assisting projects.


News Discussion Forum

The theme of the forum was “Relational Aesthetic: The Art of Empathy”. Ms. Alice KOK, the president of the Macao Art for All society, was invited to be the distinguished guest speaker to give us some ideas on the topic. During the activity, Ms. KOK gave a lecture on the art of relationship and bonding between people. A workshop was conducted as well for participants to think more deeply about the topic. It was a good opportunity for students to learn and consider about the essences, aside from academics, of being a leader.


HC Consultation Booth

To introduce the HC Programme to UM students, HCSA set up a consultation booth at the Lobby of E4 on weekdays between March 13 and 24, offering HC programme consultation, Instagram filter activity, and giveaways for participants who are interested in the programme.


Be Empathetic, Leading, Intercultural, Trustworthy, Ethical,

Be part of the Honours College