
Learning is not only limited to sitting in the classroom and listening to lectures. HC retreat is definitely a precious opportunity for students to learn outside the classroom. On Wednesday, January 23, 2019, two tutors from two HC classes which are HONR1001 – Self-awareness and Social Responsibility and HONR1002 – Leadership Skills and Positive Influence, Dr. Nuno Migel ALVES DOS SANTOS TEIXEIRA GOMES and Dr. Maria Rita SILVA co-organised a retreat at Grand Coloane Resort.

Students played games about leadership skills and team cooperation during the retreat. Dr. Nuno led students to use music instruments to communicate with each other, so students will get to know how to facilitate effective communication interpersonally, which is a very essential skill in teamwork. On the other hand, students led by Dr. Maria competed in building the tallest tower using spaghetti. To win in the game, students have to not only use different tricks and skills to build a higher tower, but they also have to cooperate with other students in the team, in order to have the highest efficiency.

“HC Retreat allows us to learn leadership skills through playing games, which has made the process of learning very interesting and unforgettable. This is going to be one of the precious experiences I had in my HC learning life!” May QIU, one of the student participants described. Moreover, most student said that they have enjoyed the day at the retreat; more importantly, they have learnt to implement adequate communication in teamwork and the significance of serving others.