
This year in the UM Open Day on April 14, 2019, Honours College (HC), with the cooperation of the Honours College Student Association (HCSA), has held a mini fair at HC lobby. There are in total 3 games designed by HCSA board members, all of which are related to leadership, mindfulness or facts about HC.

Opposite to the front door stands an almost 3-meter-height “leadership board”. Idea derived by our dean, this “leadership board” reminds our visitors of the theme of HC – where the leaders of the future are fostered. They are welcomed to write down what they think leader is, or what characteristics a leader has on a memo paper and stick on the board. By the end of the day, all the colourful memo papers are stick on the board as like the fruitful result of learning.

Although the rain was exceptionally heavy in the afternoon, the mood of visitors was not destroyed. Families, friends, the old and the young came to HC to play games and exchange for prizes. What visitors got was not solely prizes, but more importantly the knowledge of leadership and happiness of gathering on this lovely Sunday.