
The Honours College, together with the Honours College Student Association (HCSA) hosted a lively Graduation Celebration on May 17, honoring the outstanding accomplishments of the Class of 2024.

The gathering began with a sense of anticipation and excitement as the Dean of HC, graduating students and esteemed faculty members gathered together. It commenced with the Dean of HC, Prof. Rose Neng LAI, who delivered an inspiring message of encouragement and well wishes to the graduating students, emphasizing the uniqueness of the Class of 2024.

Following Dean LAI’s heartfelt address, the audience was treated to two engaging presentations by the President of General Assembly of Honours College Alumni Association (HCAA), Mr. James LAW and Honours College alumna, Ms. Angel Wu. Through personal anecdotes and valuable insights, they captivated the audience by offering guidance on navigating life’s uncertainties.

To infuse the evening with relaxation and enjoyment, the Graduation Celebration included a variety of interactive games and lively singing performances that filled the atmosphere with melodies of celebration and laughter as they relished their final moments together.

As the gathering progressed, the Honours College delighted its guests and graduates with a delectable assortment of refreshments and treats.

The Honours College Graduation Gathering was an embodiment of academic excellence, personal growth, and lasting friendships. As the graduates prepare to embark on new adventures and pursue their dreams, they do so with a profound sense of gratitude for the lessons learned, the connections made, and the memories cherished during their times in the Honours College. Equipped with knowledge, skills, and a passion for making a positive impact on the world, these graduates will inspire others and contribute to society with their unwavering dedication and determination.

In conclusion, it was a truly unforgettable event. It served as a testament to the incredible achievements of the Class of 2024 and provided a platform for reflection, celebration, and hope. The Honours College takes great pride in the accomplishments of its graduates and looks forward to witnessing their continued success as they embark on their future endeavors.